Author - Mike Sgrignoli, Illustrator Ethan Sgrignoli
Children’s author Mike Sgrignoli and his son Ethan, the illustrator, have signed with Sunbury Press to publish their Dinorific Poetry series. The Mechanicsburg publisher of trade paperback and eBooks plans to reissue the first two volumes, followed by a third currently in the works. The Sgrignolis have risen to local acclaim thanks to their positive message and appearances at local schools, bookstores, childcare centers, and other venues.
Michael is a poet, musician, forward-thinking, public-speaking, rugged individualist who strives to be the best darn daddy ever while balancing a full-time job. Ethan is a fun-loving, imaginative, animal lover who (his father believes) IS the best darn son ever. This father/son literary project has provided the setting to engender greater mutual respect and has delivered an even more precious gift: more time spent together.
Mike Sgrignoli
Dinorific Poetry: Volume 3$14.95by Mike SgrignoliDinorific Poetry: Stories of ...by Mike SgrignoliDinorific Poetry: Stories of ancient animals created by a father and son. - Volume 3:Can you really ever have enough dinosaur poetry? We don't think so. So here's ANOTHER batch ... -
Mike Sgrignoli
Dinorific Poetry: Volume 2$14.95by Mike Sgrignoli Dinorific Poetry: Stories of...by Mike Sgrignoli Dinorific Poetry: Stories of ancient animals created by a father and son. - Volume 2:We’re upping the ante folks…14, count ‘em, 14 new dinorific ditties designed to dazzle dino l... -
Mike Sgrignoli
Dinorific Poetry: Volume 1$14.95by Mike Sgrignoli Dinorific Poetry Volume 1: S...by Mike Sgrignoli Dinorific Poetry Volume 1: Stories of ancient animals created by a father and sonTen delightful poetic stories conceived by Michael coupled with twenty-two of Ethan’s imaginative...